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Getting there


Thursday, May 27, 2004

Creating the Basic Motivational Conditions 5/27
1 Demonstrate and talk about your own enthusiasm for the course material and how it affects you personally. ?
2 Take the students learning very seriously. ?
3 Develop a personal realationship with your students. ?
4 Develop a collaborative relationship with the students'parents.
5 Create a pleasant and supportive atmosphere in the classroom. ?
6 Promote the development of group cohesiveness. ?
7 Formulate the norms explicitly, and have them discussed and accepted by the learners.
8 Have the group norms consistently observed.
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 1 5
Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 1 62.50%
Generating Initial Motivation
9 Promote the learners' language related valuse by presenting peer role models.
10 Raise the learners' intrinsic interest in the L2 learning process ?
11 Promote 'integrative values by encouraging a positive and open-minded disposition towards the L2 and its speakers
12 Promote the students' awareness of the instrumental values associated with the knowledge of an L2 ?
13 Increase the students' expectancy of success in particular tasks and learning in general. ?
14 Increase the students' goal-orientedness by formulating explicit class goals accepted by them.
15 Make the curriculum and the teaching materials relevant to the students. ?
16 Help to create realistic learner beliefs.
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 2 4
Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant2 50%
Maintaining and Protecting Motivation
17 Make learning more stimulating and enjoyable by breaking the monotony of classroom events. ?
18 Make learning stimulating and enjoyable for the learners by increasing the attractiveness of the task. ?
19 Make learning stimulating and enjoyable for the learners by enlisting them as active task participants. ?
20 Present and administer tasks in a motivating way. ?
21 Use goal-setting methods in your classroom.
22 Use contracting methods with your students to formalise their goal commitment.
23 Provide learners with regular experience of success. ?
24 Build your learners confidence by providing regular encouragement. ?
25 Help dimish language anxiety by removing or reducing the anxiety-provoking elements in the learning environment. ?
26 Build your learners confidence in their learning abilities by teaching them various learner strategies.
27 Allow learners to maintain a positive social image while engaged in the learning tasks.
28 Increase student motivation by promoting cooperation among the learners. ?
29 Increase student motivation by actively promoting learner autonomy. ?
30 Increase the student' self-motivating capacity.
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant3 9
Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 3 64%
Encouraging Positive Self-Evaluation
31 Promote effort attributions in your students. ?
32 Provide students with positive information feedback. ?
33 Increase learner satisfaction.(celebrate achievements, display work)
34 Offer rewards in a motivational manner.
35 Use grades in a motivating manner, reducing as much as possible their demotivating impact. ?
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 4 3
Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 4 60%
Taken from Doernyei, Z. Motivational Strategies in the Classroom. Cambridge University Press 2001
