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Getting there


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Today's class began with handing back papers and the vocabulary, but when I checked one of the students he hadn't learned his vocab...I queried the checker, asking why they hadn't checked the learning...not much response, but perhaps I was too aggressive in my manner of asking.
At 9:30 I used a couple of minutes to do a spot-check, and marked people down accordingly if they hadn't learned the words. I also declared I would deduct the same points from the checker, for not doing their job. Three out of the five people lost points, and so did their checkers. I hope this will make the students think again about what they are doing.
Then I talked a little about my husband's workplace, and the company structure there, and the company structure of the uni and why I chose my own work, before handing out a pairwork worksheet with discussions on company structure, career options and some vocab and awareness building exercises. The students worked in pairs and I wrote exercise answers on the blackboard with some pronunciation choral drill of new terms before the break. As usual I circled and supported the conversational bits.
The homework (the last) is to read a Japanese newspaper article on Yamaha company structure and write a short English company description 50-100words. The article talks about how structural changes in Yamaha have been the reason for its phenomenal success lately.

The test was my baby today, made with collocations from the economist section of the cobuild corpus, just fitting a list of twelve words into eight slots with three sample sentences for each slot. The words were all from the investment unit/role play, so it gave them a chance to rethink them in some real contexts.

After class I stayed to retest a student on a missing vocab sheet, and promptly left the test papers in her file. I noticed the papers were missing as I stood on the platform waiting for the train, rushed back to the classroom to see if i had left them there, and looked everywhere for the student, assuming (rightly) that they had them...when i finally gave up, and arrived home, there was an email from the faculty head saying my student had handed in the papers to him: what a relief! What a muddled teacher! i will pick them up on Thursday.

I'm already thinking about the next term, how to ask the students to set up a grade they want, and how they propose to fulfil the requirements they set to meet that grade. Will be an adventure for me to try it out....
