Thursday, April 21, 2005
Creating the Basic Motivational Conditions 1 Demonstrate and talk about your own enthusiasm for the course material and how it affects you personally. Didn't do this today, although I did give out my blog addy in case students wanted quick access to peer homework samples. 2 Take the students learning very seriously. x I think I always do this. Always walking round scaffolding and looking for people who need help, today checking a student who wanted to leave early has copies of all the homework prints etc. 3 Develop a personal relationship with your students. x Not able to learn so many names today, but took time to talk to two who have only had two years of English and felt they needed some extra advice after class. Told them not to worry, I was after ideas, and not so much grammatical perfection, and that all students found the new economics vocabulary workload daunting. It's all new. 4 Develop a collaborative relationship with the students'parents. Not even begun to think about how to set up a blog for this ..... 5 Create a pleasant and supportive atmosphere in the classroom. x Definitely with jigsaw tasks and groups of three, and info sharing on a whole class scale 6 Promote the development of group cohesiveness. x This kind of links in with 5, promoting cooperation and sharing 7 Formulate the norms explicitly, and have them discussed and accepted by the learners. x Today I was asking students to use English only in groupwork and prompting as they did vocabulary checks to use the English phrases, also asking them not to show jigsaw results but to say them in English to each other. Rule six, about trying to speak English. Then I finished off with the career building marketing yourself worksheet and referred explicitly to rule six, make things real. 8 Have the group norms consistently observed. x Basically stopped in mid-sentence and made sure all students were listening to me explaining the first vocab sheet, rule seven, in a sense I personally broke rule three about taking a break because a student asked me to check their vocab (they were leaving early so it couldn't be done after class) since they had learned it, but their partner hadn't been able to ask all the words in the time limit. Notice the glitch and see how you can do it faster next week, I suggested. Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 1 6 Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 1 75%
Generating Initial Motivation 9 Promote the learners' language related valuse by presenting peer role models. x I gave students some examples from the Tuesday class in terms of the cell phone comparison homework, and explained how the brilliant "I chose to study Economics because it trains disciplined and innovative thinking" was written by a student last year. 10 Raise the learners' intrinsic interest in the L2 learning process I'm not sure I focused on highlighting aspects of the L2 learning my students will enjoy, or making first encounters a positive experience, (bit vague this last one, I could give me credit for that if I think I am working to combine a step-by step process of reading, manipulating and using new vocab in the jigsaw task in a non-threatening group environment)...what exactly is a positive experience? Could ask the students in a mini-questionnaire: what is a positive experience for you studying? Have you had one in my class so far? 11 Promote 'integrative values by encouraging a positive and open-minded disposition towards the L2 and its speakers Not today I guess, we focused on the Japanese sectors of the ecconomy. Unless you count the fact that I'm always asking them to go look at the sources of things on the internet...but even then a Japanese site today. 12 Promote the students' awareness of the instrumental values associated with the knowledge of an L2 x I checked this because I took the time to show all the textbooks and was talking about how one is useful for self-study if you're interested in finance, and one is useful for explaining English financial concepts in Japanese to customers and company colleagues, and the Diccy of Economics is perhaps more geared to someone interested in going academic with Economics and publishing in the field, so to buy what they felt they could afford and would be useful for them in the long term. 13 Increase the students' expectancy of success in particular tasks and learning in general. x I was careful to do this today by giving extra time for tasks, since it was clear that it was necessary. I also tried to introduce the jigsaw task more clearly, using the mobile and sketching a wee diagram of the three sectors on the board, then handing out the print, then sketching and explaining the way to fill out one third of the grid, so trying to incorporate more visuals to support knowing what the task involves. 14 Increase the students' goal-orientedness by formulating explicit class goals accepted by them. Haven't asked students to negotiate individual goals, or to think about how particular activities attain class goals, unless you count the career building worksheet, which I counted already. Could do that though, ask students to reflect on how the session links to class goals. More meta reflection necessary? Kinda like the mini anonymous what did I learn today slips I used last term after the presentations? 15 Make the curriculum and the teaching materials relevant to the students. x 16 Help to create realistic learner beliefs.
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 2 4 Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant2 50%
Maintaining and Protecting Motivation
17 Make learning more stimulating and enjoyable by breaking the monotony of classroom events. x 18 Make learning stimulating and enjoyable for the learners by increasing the attractiveness of the task. x 19 Make learning stimulating and enjoyable for the learners by enlisting them as active task participants. x 20 Present and administer tasks in a motivating way. x 21 Use goal-setting methods in your classroom. 22 Use contracting methods with your students to formalise their goal commitment. 23 Provide learners with regular experience of success. x 24 Build your learners confidence by providing regular encouragement. x 25 Help dimish language anxiety by removing or reducing the anxiety-provoking elements in the learning environment. x 26 Build your learners confidence in their learning abilities by teaching them various learner strategies. x 27 Allow learners to maintain a positive social image while engaged in the learning tasks. 28 Increase student motivation by promoting cooperation among the learners. x 29 Increase student motivation by actively promoting learner autonomy. x 30 Increase the student' self-motivating capacity.
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant3 10 Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 3 71%
Encouraging Positive Self-Evaluation
31 Promote effort attributions in your students. x 32 Provide students with positive information feedback. x 33 Increase learner satisfaction.(celebrate achievements, display work) 34 Offer rewards in a motivational manner. 35 Use grades in a motivating manner, reducing as much as possible their demotivating impact.
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 4 2 Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 4 40% Taken from Doernyei, Z. Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Cambridge University Press 2001
Renata 8:33 pm