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Getting there


Friday, April 29, 2005

I love the comments feature, so much to learn! Thank you Marco Polo!

I was going to write something about your comments about vocab-learning and Mitsubishi: it seems a little authoritarian, I mean, are they learning vocab for themselves or for you? And if you're grading them on it, doesn't that make it more EXtrinsic rather than INtrinsic motivation? And are you sure you want to do that

I just found out that all my haloscan comments from 2004 here at getting there may have disappeared! OMG!!! I have written an email to try and find out, hope they're archived somewhere, meanwhile I'm copying each comment into my word file where I copy and save my blog....too late for last year. I just hope they have me an archive somewhere...

Still have to blog yesterday....my eyes hurt and I feel woozy today, I was tired yesterday too and did housewifely things like washing, shopping, more shopping, and procrastinating. Will blog after a late lunch, no doubt about it, the comments give me extra motivation to blog and keep on thinking and learning and growing in my teaching.

Just to answer that snippet of the comment, I do think that giving students the credit in the grade for the effort they're putting into the compiling and learning of the vocab is not extrinsic motivation, it's giving credit, but then admittedly i have decided what I will give credit for, so I am in control, and it is extrinsic. In the end it to create intrinsic motivation it comes back to a zosia way of doing it, I would have to interview each student and each student would have a plan for how to get the grade they want and what to do for it during the term. With only thirteen contact days, and forty-five odd people to keep tabs on, I'm not sure how that would work, and how I could provide the kind of personal care they might need.....any other alternative ways?

Here I am again. since nobody will offer stuff for a blackboard brainstorm I had to call names which puts people on the spot Yes, blackboard brainstorming won't work (can you see why?), but small-group brainstorming can (sort of; it's kind of alien to Japanese, but...)Get them in groups of 4 or so, give them the topic/objective, set a clear time limit and GO! When time's up (or before you start) get each group to choose a spokesperson/reporter who stands up and tells you what the group got. You put it on the board. Each subsequent group need only say new items that are not yet on the board.Marco Polo Homepage 04.28.05 - 10:28 am #

Thanks for the advice! Yes, I am aware of group brainstorming techniques, and have used them happily in different ways and situations, good to have them written out like that for me as a reminder. What I was doing on Tuesday was switching back into old dinosaur habits, from a previous age, when I had an off the cuff switch in my activities, as in suddenly wantin to talk about the honesty issue and wanting to use the Mitsubishi example as a trigger for an ethics discussion. I think it's better for me to just go ahead and lecture, times like that....Which suggests that planning is not unimportant after all, and that unplanned activities can trigger outdated modes of teaching???
