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Getting there


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

This was my first homework of the year, with a view to getting students thinking about how they are linked to the economy via their mobiles/cells (I notice I've been switching these terms indiscriminately...). Last year I also asked students in one group how it linked them to the Iraq war, and found out they didn't make the link between plastic and oil and Japan importing oil to make all the plastic goods and the Iraq war being a lot about the oil supply from the middle East.

I have yet to mark the papers. Picked out in blue are some examples of answers from my Tuesday lot

1 a) The housewife, switching on her electric kettle to make another cup of tea, gave no thought to the immense complex of operations that made that simple action possible.

1 b) The student, pushing buttons on her cell phone to send a text-message to a friend, gives no thought to the immense complex of operations that makes that simple action possible:

2 a) the building and maintenance of the power station that produced the electricity,
2 b the building and maintenance of the power station that produces electricity from the oil, atomic energy and natural power

3 a) the laying of miles of cable to carry the electric current to her house,
3 b the sending to a server in a carrier base station through a vendor-specific protocol

4 a) the digging and smelting of bauxite into sheets of aluminum,
4 b) the mining and processing of oil into the liquid of plastics

5 a) the cutting, pressing and welding of the metal into the kettle’s shell,
5 b) the cutting and pressing of the plastic board into the cell phone's shell

6 a) the assembling of parts and components, screws, nuts, wires,
6 b) Assemble plant has a lot of robot, and they make components into product.
the assembling of parts and components, screws, nuts, the silicon chip, liquid crystal panel
....screen, camera, button
7 a) the advertising of the kettle, the marketing to wholesale and retail outlets,
7 b) the advertising of the mobile phone on TV, trains and magazines, the marketing to retail shops
Advertiser uses a lot of the advertising media, for example CM, bill, insert, and they gives buyer a brain wash

8 a) the calculation of its price and the distribution of its added value between all the people concerned in its production.
8 b) the meetings to decide its price, and research that took place for it
I think inventor make a base of production, so he can decide how to do it value.

The housewife gave no thought to this as she switched on her kettle.
Can you add some more areas which link you to the economy via your cell phone?
9 b) Thanks to my cellphone, I can watch the price of a stock any time.
I read many kinds of news-for example stock, company- in the train by using cell-phone (i-mode service)
I examine information such as weather forecast.
The added options like game, internet, etc. which are put in cellphones itself.

10 b) We should produce more high quality camera.
I pay the fee of the cell phone. The fee is maked use of as the management resource.
Now almost people have cell phone, so whenever we get in touch with friend that save our time.

How about recycling?
11b) The present key element of recycling a cell-phone is the collecting valuable metals after incinerating or fracturing the main unit.
Company of the cellpone recycle cell phones. It is good.
I think it's good. By recycling we don't have to waste more natural resources.
The unused or old cell-phones can be recycled either by replacing SIM card or by giving them to a friend who want them.
To work about effective use for the resource that hangs to the cellular phone in the manufacturer of cellular phone it starts operation as "Mobility recycling network"

I think it's not a good idea. There is not great result about recycling or recycling of part either, and it seems to be the present conditions that take only a cost.

Activity adapted by Renata Suzuki from Ian MacKenzie English for Business Studies CUP Unit 1 p.10 Reading:Nice Work by David Lodge
