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Getting there


Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Creating the Basic Motivational Conditions
1 Demonstrate and talk about your own enthusiasm for the course material and how it affects you personally.
x Today I even talked about not getting paid very much :P But loving it, thinking and growing.
2 Take the students learning very seriously.
x To the point where I bombed them with work! But three main ideas, basically how to manipulate models and look for weaknesses, how to analyze sources and the strength of an article, and how to quote statistics
3 Develop a personal relationship with your students.
x Definitely getting to know all the names and taking time to see who they are.
4 Develop a collaborative relationship with the students'parents.
5 Create a pleasant and supportive atmosphere in the classroom.
x all about working together and explaining to each other, yes
6 Promote the development of group cohesiveness.
Not quite yet...?
7 Formulate the norms explicitly, and have them discussed and accepted by the learners.
x Mentioned double checking vocab memorizing, spot-checking! Kind of putting this on them from the top, but then we kinda discussed it at more length before.
8 Have the group norms consistently observed.
Can't say I took a break....and by explaining to two groups during the break, ate up their break time too....
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 1
Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 1

Generating Initial Motivation?
9 Promote the learners' language related valuse by presenting peer role models.
x Handouts included graphs from students from last year.
10 Raise the learners' intrinsic interest in the L2 learning process
Never too sure about this one, highlight aspects of learning your students are likely to enjoy..hmmmm
11 Promote 'integrative values by encouraging a positive and open-minded disposition towards the L2 and its speakers
x Promoted contact with realia The Economist articles
12 Promote the students' awareness of the instrumental values associated with the knowledge of an L2
x Talked about how quoting strong sources and figures is a useful skill for future work, writing etc.
13 Increase the students' expectancy of success in particular tasks and learning in general.
x Not so much sufficient preparation, but lots of continuous assistance
14 Increase the students' goal-orientedness by formulating explicit class goals accepted by them. Reviewed the course so far, but not so much in terms of goals
15 Make the curriculum and the teaching materials relevant to the students.
x The need to discuss trends using figures and quoting sources clearly is a need I percieved after reviewing last year's student's graphs and presentations.
16 Help to create realistic learner beliefs?
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 2
Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant2

Maintaining and Protecting Motivation
17 Make learning more stimulating and enjoyable by breaking the monotony of classroom events.
x The first time we've read Economist articles and looked at language in detail in class.
18 Make learning stimulating and enjoyable for the learners by increasing the attractiveness of the task.
Make tasks challenging...hmmm...attractive by adapting to students' natural interests???nope, although homework is free to follow interests...
19 Make learning stimulating and enjoyable for the learners by enlisting them as active task participants.
They filled in worksheets? I think not, although of course, they are active thinkers....?
20 Present and administer tasks in a motivating way.
x I think my round up review of the course so far made it clear how we are progressing and growing
21 Use goal-setting methods in your classroom.
emphasize goal completion deadlines? short term goals?nope, just me saying do your homework?
22 Use contracting methods with your students to formalise their goal commitment.
23 Provide learners with regular experience of success.
Didn't double check answers yet, so no. Will post up answers on the web after my thursday class.?
24 Build your learners confidence by providing regular encouragement.
x yes, i like encouraging. Great students! Best in Japan.
25 Help dimish language anxiety by removing or reducing the anxiety-provoking elements in the learning environment.
x Unless, and I asked students to work with friends, you have no friends in the class...Don't feel this, although some laid back students made a sub-group of two, to be joined by another third person later.
26 Build your learners confidence in their learning abilities by teaching them various learner strategies.
x Bit of skimming and scanning texts today
27 Allow learners to maintain a positive social image while engaged in the learning tasks.
x sharing in groups
28 Increase student motivation by promoting cooperation among the learners.
x not so sure this happens, even among friends, but I asked clearly for it to happen. Perhaps useful to try the opposite some time, working with not so close friends?
29 Increase student motivation by actively promoting learner autonomy.
More me deciding what to do today, as in what I wanted students to notice about language and concepts of quoting, but homework is more autonomous...also finding the link to the graph exercises in the yahoo group and doing them is up to students....
30 Increase the student' self-motivating capacity.
I have not raised students awareness of the importance of self motivation..nor shared strategies we found useful in the past...Good Idea! mental bookmark? blog boookmark
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant3
Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 3

Encouraging Positive Self-Evaluation
31 Promote effort attributions in your students.
32 Provide students with positive information feedback.
33 Increase learner satisfaction.(celebrate achievements, display work)
34 Offer rewards in a motivational manner.
35 Use grades in a motivating manner, reducing as much as possible their demotivating impact.
Total Strategies Used in Quadrant 4
Percentage of total strategies used in Quadrant 4
Taken from Doernyei, Z. Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Cambridge University Press 2001
