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Getting there


Friday, April 16, 2010

This is now my sixth (?) odd year teaching at the university.

I have changed the rooms where I teach so that they are in the computer room with constant access to the internet, with screens and mike, and have moved the teaching time to the afternoon so students can get up on time...The room is much closer to the station so students don't have far to walk. The department also streamlined classes into electives, Basic, Intermediate and Advanced, and I teach Basic and Intermediate.

So now I have 70 Basic students registered! And 60 in the intermediate. Last year I never imagined the response to these changes would be so radical (nobody told me about the elective thing), and had 112 show up, and couldn't cut the numbers in one class as I hadn't posted up the class limit.... and as of this year I am teaching three classes instead of two, but with class limits of 70 because that's how many fit in the computer room. Wow! Thank you webheads, this is a major transition into IT and computer worlds....
